Dear Chuck,

If the following are important for your project,

  * Consistency between PDF and HTML versions
  * Standard notation
  * Easy-to-navigate HTML version
  * Automated testing of Sage code
  * Eventual no-effort versions for the Sage Notebook and Sage Math Cloud
  * Avoiding a lot of LaTeX idiosyncracies

then you might want to be an early adopter of MathBook XML for authoring your project. There are some experienced folks (including myself) on the Google Group who can help you over the rough patches.


On 02/18/2015 03:51 PM, Charles Ross wrote:
I starting an update to Differential Calculus and SAGE
<>. Prof. Joyner kindly directed me here
suggesting that announcing the project might result in assistance. I plan to
move forward with this alone if necessary, but could certainly use assistance.

I'm a professional programmer but only an amateur mathematician and educator. I
originally came across both the book and SAGE in order to refresh my own
education in anticipation of my son's study of calculus. While the book has
proven extremely useful I've noticed that the TeX source and the HTML and PDF
outputs have numerous differences, as well as typos and errors or lack of
standardization in notation and perhaps obsolete SAGE syntax. I plan to correct
that even though I'm at the beginning of my learning curve with both TeX and 

I've begun a Github repository for the project at (only having the
Readme so far). I have no schedule in mind, and the list of goals that you'll
find in the Readme there is so far nebulous and will certainly change. My only
hope is to complete a first version before my son's calculus studies begin next

If you're interested in joining this project, please contact me at <> or, having an account on Github,
request to be added as a contributor. Any and all are welcome in absolutely
whatever capacity you might with to offer.

Chuck Ross

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