On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 2:03 PM,  <gregory.bard1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone. I just thought I'd post that I'm definitely coming for the
> whole week. My book, "Sage for Undergraduates" is due at the American
> Mathematical Society on June 30th. So I'm looking forward to one week of
> non-stop Sage-related activities. :) If anyone has any ideas for cool
> Sage-related projects to include, please let me know about them!

Hi Greg:

There is some sage-related crypto stuff here:
Help yourself or let me know if you want more detail on any part of it.

- David

> ---Greg
> On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 11:21:52 PM UTC-5, Rob Beezer wrote:
>> Sage Edu Days 6 will take place June 16-18 on the University of Washington
>> campus in Seattle, Washington.  Target audience is faculty teaching
>> undergraduate mathematics, as this is the concentration of the NSF "UTMOST"
>> grant which provides funding for these events.
>> There is a skeleton wiki page, which should expand rapidly, as various
>> arrangements are close to being finalized (ie lodging).  Please add yourself
>> as a participant if you plan to attend.
>> http://wiki.sagemath.org/education6
>> Note that William Stein is organizing a developer conference for the
>> entire week, centered on the SageMathCloud and "Sage on the Web".  Following
>> that there will be about a 10-day period for concentrated development work
>> as a Bug Days event.  See the Sage wiki for more.
>> The "Inquiry-Based Learning" conference is in Denver, June 19-21, which
>> explains our switch to the first part of the week.  Consider combining trips
>> out west, and flying on directly to Denver late Wednesday evening.
>> http://legacyrlmoore.org/events.html
>> There is some travel funding left on our grant, which expires in a few
>> months.  If you are undergraduate faculty, and have an education project
>> that could benefit from attendance, contact me off-list about funding, with
>> specifics.  Those with more development-oriented projects should contact
>> William Stein about funding available for one of the other two events.
>> Rob
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