On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 3:05 PM, Jorge Garcia <calcp...@aol.com> wrote:
> I just signed up for an account at http://cloud.sagemath.org and like what I
> see! Amazing job, guys, keep it up!
> I have 2 questions:
> (1) I had a heck of a time creating an account as the server did not like my
> password. I can see my students wasting class time with this. Any way this
> could be changed?

SMC uses the password strength library, from Dropbox:
Right now SMC is somewhat permissive allowing anything but "Very weak"
passwords when creating an account; anything listed as very weak
could trivially be cracked using a dictionary attack (the dropbox
checker uses a dictionary of the top most common n-thousand weak
passwords).  I don't know what passwords you were trying, but I
strongly encourage you to switch to a better system for choosing
passwords for all your accounts (not just SMC), or maybe just use
something like https://lastpass.com/.

I don't want anybody to use SMC if they can't choose a password that
isn't "very weak".   If anything, I will probably change the
password strength requirement in the other direction to require
stronger passwords, rather than allowing weaker ones.

(Of course I do have countermeasures in place to make an external
dictionary attack very, very slow; however, if anybody ever got the
password hash database, I want their work to be difficult.  The
passwords are hashed with 1000 iterations of Sha-512, in case anyone
is interested.)

> (2) I currently use a server where I publish my worksheets to share with my
> students. I don't see this option in the cloud. Can one do the same in the
> cloud version?

The analogue in SMC is to create a project specifically for sharing
worksheets.  You would then add all your students as collaborators on
the project.  You can do this by clicking the settings "wrench" icon
in a project, then pasting in a comma-separated list of email
addresses next to  "Collaborators" and clicking the button.  When
those people join SMC, they will automatically also see that project.
You can put worksheets there for them to use.  Moreover, as they use
them, you can open them at the same time, see their cursors moving
around, use the chat on the right, and if you are both using Google
Chrome, you can type


in a cell to get a video chat (very new feature).

 -- William

> TIA,
> A. Jorge Garcia
> http://shadowfaxrant.blogspot.com
> http://www.youtube.com/calcpage2009
> --
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William Stein
Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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