On Thu, 28 Feb 2013 at 11:56AM -0800, David Smith wrote:
> I've been experimenting (in an interact) with graphing x^m/e^x for large 
> values of m, in order to demonstrate that exp grows faster than any power 
> function.  This works fine up to m=15, but at 16 (and any higher value) I 
> get a long list of errors ending with 
> ParseFatalException: Expected end of math '$'
> $\verb|1e+12|$ (at char 0), (line:1, col:1)
> Wolfram Alpha is perfectly happy to graph this function up to m=125, and 
> after that, it fails only in lopping off the top of the graph because the 
> y-coordinates are too big. 
> Is there some reason why Sage can't handle this?

For me, Sage works fine up to x^115. There it starts to complain that it
can't evaluate the function (x^115/e^x) at all points. That seems very
strange to me, although maybe it's running up against the
maximum size that floats can do -- but the plot looks fine, so maybe


---  Dan Drake
-----  http://math.pugetsound.edu/~ddrake

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