I can make an EPUB (version 2 or 3) that uses Javascript to employ MathJax 
and uses Javascript to put up Sage cells powered by the cell server.

It all works pretty well in Calibre, which is primarily a conversion tool, 
but which also functions as a desktop reader.  One small problem is that 
Calibre grabs some keystrokes for navigation, so the Sage cell never gets 
them.  Like the letter "L".  So no doing any Lie groups.  ;-)

I have not found a "reading system" for a portable device where I have had 
any luck.  Azardi seems to be promising MathJax bundled into their reader 
in the next version, and they seem to be targeting the technical and 
textbook markets and may also be just a desktop reader (?).

My test EPUB will not work in iBooks 2.1.1 on an iPad.  MathJax causes the 
latex text to go grey, so it is trying, but it cannot go out and grab the 
fonts.  My guess is that Javascript is sandboxed to stay local.  Just a 
guess, I'd love to know if there is a way around this.  Seems you can 
unpack the critical bits of MathJax into your book, add all those files to 
the manifest, and then MathJax will work locally?  Maybe some good hints at 
link below, but have not been able to pursue them yet.


The sample/experimental book I created is authored in DocBook, which can 
then be converted to EPUB3, but it also worked a while ago as just EPUB2.

Andrea - if you make any progress, I'd love to hear about it.  I'm making a 
version of my textbook optimized for the web and it will eventually include 
live Sage cells, rather than the current static ones - it should really 
just be a small leap to have it be an EPUB.  (Link below is an in-progress 



On Wednesday, July 11, 2012 2:55:24 PM UTC-7, Andrea Lazzarotto wrote:
> The situation is sad. I made a simple ebook with js but I can't find a 
> reader which supports it...
> Andrea Lazzarotto
> (inviato da Android)

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