Hi Raniere 

we are developing and using a package for that purpose for sage notebook 
and for command-line. It's a different approach to the "online database of 
dynamic questions". Templates are not yet translated to english (only 
portuguese) and instalations tests must be done.  

Your web interface  seems to be very appealing and maybe we could integrate 
or use your ideas if integration is not feasible.

Our project is at:
code: http://code.google.com/p/megua/
docs (english):  http://megua.readthedocs.org/en/latest/index.html
home (portuguese): cms.ua.pt/megua

all for now.


Domingo, 20 de Maio de 2012 22:39:01 UTC+1, Raniere Gaia Silva escreveu:

> Hi,
> I was searching for a easily and quickly way to make math tests/exercises 
> (I don't want a course management system like moodle <http://moodle.org/> or 
> webwork <http://webwork.maa.org/>).
> Since I didn't find any great solution I start to make one: 
> http://smart-teacher.alwaysdata.net/
> would be interested in comments :)
> and in which other groups I could discuss it?
> Raniere

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