On Thursday, March 15, 2012 1:50:08 PM UTC-7, William Stein wrote:

> It would be good if somebody rewrote abelian groups from scratch
> taking into account your comments above.  Personally, I would probably
> make the user interface be similar to Magma's abelian groups, which is
> pretty well thought out, and will make it easier for people (like me)
> to use both Sage and Magma:
(Been away for a while and missed this thread.)

Agreed.  I might be the 7th attempt.  I started this once, and then when I 
came back to it a year later, the category code had changed so much that it 
needed a severe rewrite (which I may have lost).  But I have support this 
summer for exactly this task and a good idea of how to attack it.

Mike O'S - I'll take your comments into account and would love further 
feedback.  First attempt is at:


General strategy:  extend a good idea of Cremona and others (iirc) to build 
on William's code for finitely generated modules over PID's.  A lot of 
things (like forming a subgroup, nee submodule) then come for free.

I wanted to build one abstract class, then extend it into additive and 
multiplicative flavors.  These would then be suitable for building generic 
cyclic groups, the group of units mod n, the multiplicative subgroup of a 
finite field, etc, etc. 


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