I was mentioning Geogebra to a student today, and decided to see
what's up.

In brief, a lot!  So this is an FYI to the Sage community.

Here, Hohenwarter's abstract on a talk for the upcoming Geogebra 4 at
their big conference - including GeogebraTube

A good overview by a fan of the new features - some are very nice,
obviously easier in Java than at the command line :)

Especially for the sage-edu folks:  In the meantime Geogebra has a
whole series of "Institutes" where you can get training and even
'certification'.  Here is a sample website for such a place:

I personally think this is something that would be great for Sage, but
our target clientele is (at the moment) significantly smaller, I think
- mostly college and up, and not the huge HS market.

There is also now a Midwest Geogebra Journal, Geogebra is now (at
least partly) on Google Code...  Anyway, a lot going on, worth
pointing out.

Perhaps this gives additional incentive for people to work on
http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/7489.  Does anyone know what
happened to Bruce Cohen's code where he took the stuff already there
and built a working prototype of the Geogebra integration in the
notebook?  I don't see anything on that ticket.

- kcrisman

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