Here's the only two MAA CPS that I found that seemed directly related
to Sage - if you're going, feel free to start thinking about this!
The deadline for submitting abstracts is Sept. 22, 2011.    Note that
the first one says "Preference will be given to uses of widely used
software such as those listed above or freeware."

- kcrisman

Effective Use of Dynamic Mathematical Software in the Classroom
Wednesday, 8:00 – 10:55 a.m., Back Bay C, Sheraton Hotel
Organizers: M. E. (Murphy) Waggoner, Simpson College, and Therese
Shelton, Southwestern University

Description: Although using dynamic mathematical software programs,
such as GeoGebra or Fathom, can be very effective as a teaching tool,
it often difficult to find the time to develop the files needed for a
classroom experience. The purpose of this session is to provide a jump
start to using software in the classroom. We are looking for talks
that present one specific mathematics lesson using some dynamic
software. The presentation will describe how the software was used in
the classroom, and the files used in the lesson will be made available
on-line. As a result, the audience will have a ready-made lesson to
use. The lesson could be for any mathematical course and use any third-
party software including GeoGebra, Fathom, Geometer's Sketchpad,
calculator simulators, spreadsheets or a computer algebra system. It
is preferred that the lesson include hands-on use of the software by
students and not simply a classroom demonstration. Preference will be
given to uses of widely used software such as those listed above or

Trends in Teaching Mathematics Online
Saturday, 1:00 – 5:55 p.m., Hynes 311
Organizer: Michael B. Scott, California State University, Monterey Bay

Description: This session will highlight the challenges, triumphs and
emerging trends in teaching mathematics online. It will also provide a
forum for instructors to share and discuss new or improved teaching
ideas, approaches and technologies for teaching mathematics courses
online. Presentations will be geared to both instructors teaching
mathematics online for the first time and veteran practitioners. The
demand for effective online courses continues to grow. Although
teaching online has been around for some time, technologies and
techniques continue to evolve. This evolution can present new and more
effective learning experiences for students. The focus of the reports
include, but are not necessarily limited to:
descriptions of and solutions to challenges and pitfalls when teaching
mathematics online;
effective practices of online instruction;
experiences using new and emerging technologies in online instruction;
innovative pedagogical and assessment models;
strategies for teaching upper-division courses;
analysis of the effectiveness of teaching mathematics online.
Sponsors: Committee on Technologies in Mathematics Education (CTiME)

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