On 24 mar, 11:24, Calcpage <calcp...@aol.com> wrote:
> Well, the examples i've seen of @interact allow input at the beginning  
> of a process such as a loop. That's great but my students were making  
> a rock, scissors, paper, lizard, Spock game where they wanted to have  
> a computer player vs a human player. The program needs to stop after  
> every round to ask for input several times for the human player during  
> a typical game. I had them write a simulation instead whereby the  
> human and computer players just used random choices. I think we did  
> "from Random import choice" and in the code we used "choice('rpslk')".

You can use global variables and auto_update=False. I wrote a example
regarding Nim:


If you use just one text input, it's not very different to using
input(), but it's a bit hacky and maybe you don't want to explain why
this works...

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