If you and your students all have accounts on the same server, why not have them share their worksheets with you? Then you won't have to download anything, all the worksheets show up in your account. All you have to do is login to your account in order to display student work. If you don't want to have all those student files cluttering up your account, simply make another account for yourself and have them share there.

BTW, I've been using SAGE in class for years now and my students love it! I've used online servers and live CDs. Recently, we've been getting a lot of lag when using the online servers (poor network on my end), so I thought that I'd go back to using the CDs. Instead of having students boot up a CD every day, I thought I'd put the ISO in a bootable Linux partition on each harddrive or use a virtual box. Then, I stumbled on the Ubuntu binary at http://www.sagemath.org and used that instead! I reinstalled my whole classroom this past Midterm Week for my students to start using tomorrow.

If you are interested in the sordid details, please see the last couple of posts on my blog listed below.

A. Jorge Garcia
Applied Math and CompSci

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