
It is on my list of things to do.  However, higher priority was to get
Jmol communicating more cleanly with the Sage notebook server.  I'm
working on this on the side as my department/university does not seem
to consider contributions to these projects valuable.  I do use both
Jmol and Sage in the classes I teach, so go figure!  Long story short,
I think I may get to it this summer.


On Jun 8, 12:38 am, Bruce Cohen <> wrote:
> Late last year there were a series of posts (in sage-edu) about
> getting 3d data from sage that could be used by a stand-alone jmol
> webpage to display a 3d math graphic.  I was excited to try the
> example listed in the original posting (see below).  Has any progress
> been made on getting sage to generate and save the .zip file needed in
> this process?
> Thanks.
> -Bruce
> --------------------------------------------
> ps. I attempted to cross-post this to sage-devel via the Cc:
> but that did not work.  I will cross-post this in sage-devel via cut-
> paste
> --------------------------------------------
> re:
> On Dec 8 2009, 4:18 pm, Paul Pearson <> wrote:> Dear 
> Jonathan and others,
> > I am a webwork developer, though not one of the main developers.  I
> > have been successful at displaying a SAGE generated 3d plot from
> > within webwork using the Jmol applet provided that the plot data file
> > uses no pmesh input files.  Sage generates a zipped plot data file
> > which contains a SCRIPT file and may contain
> > several pmesh data files.  I am able to get Jmol to read the SCRIPT
> > file, but the lines in the SCRIPT file that load the pmesh files are
> > not executing correctly.  I have emailed Robert Hanson (the upstream
> > Jmol contact) about this, and his advice was as follows
> > ---------- begin email correspondence --------------------
> > Jmol opens and reads selected files within a zip file. To do this,
> > just use "|" to specify directories within the zip file:
> > script|SCRIPT
> > since the other files are in that zip file as well, you also have to
> > indicate a default path:
> > set defaultdirectory "|"
> > Note the vertical line to indicate we want files within the zip file's
> > main directory.
> > then when you execute
> > script SCRIPT
> > it works.
> > ---------- end email correspondence ----------------------
> > I am guessing that the SAGE developers have already figured out how to
> > make this "defaultdirectory" issue work for zip files in remote
> > directories, and if you would be able to describe to me how you make
> > it work, that would be greatly appreciated.  I like your idea of
> > having a single input file for Jmol that is "portable" in the sense
> > that it can be put anywhere, read as input to Jmol, and it will work.
> > However, I also think that there ought to be a way to make the current
> > system of zip files work (even though I haven't fully figured it out
> > yet).
> > I have been able to get things to work correctly when loading the zip
> > file locally (from my own computer) but not remotely (from the webwork
> > server).  Here's what I have done.  Get the zip file with the SCRIPT
> > and pmesh files from
> >
> > and save it to a local directory that contains "Jmol.js" and
> > "JmolApplet.jar".  Notice that the first line of the SCRIPT file was
> > added by me and uses verbatim the advice from Robert Hanson about
> > setting the default directory.  Create a html file in that same local
> > directory with the following code:
> > -------------------  begin html ----------------------------
> > <html>
> > <head>
> > <script type="text/javascript" src="Jmol.js"></script>
> > </head>
> > <body>
> > <!--
> > <script>
> > jmolInitialize(".",useSignedApplet)
> > </script>
> > -->
> > <!-- read locally -->
> > <script type="text/javascript">
> > jmolApplet(["450","450"],"script|SCRIPT")
> > </script>
> > <!-- read remotely -->
> > <script type="text/javascript">
> > jmolSetAppletColor("white");
> > jmolApplet(["400","400"],"script";)
> > </script>
> > </body>
> > </html>
> > --------------------- end html -------------------------
> > You should see a closed cylinder with some vectors on the left from
> > the local copy, and a blank Jmol applet (except for the word Jmol) on
> > the right from the remote copy.  The output from the Java Console is
> > given below, in case you're interested in tracing the errors.

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