On 03/24/2010 11:57 PM, Rob Beezer wrote:
m.apply_map(), I believe off-hand.
That's it.  Not sure why I didn't see that.  Sorry for the noise.
Maybe because it started with "apply", which isn't exactly the most 
obvious word when you are looking for this option.  It would be nice to 
make tab completion smarter (implement some of the suggestions that have 
come up in the past) to make some variant of tab look for options that 
have "map" in them, rather than just insisting that they start with "map"
I thought you could do:

sage: m=matrix()
sage: m.*map*?

and get a list of all methods that had "map" in them, but now I'm getting a traceback on this (maybe because it is a Cython object?)
This works:

sage: p=plot(x,0,1)
sage: p.*color*?

Here is the traceback for m.*map*?

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)

/home/jason/sage/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/IPython/OInspect.pyc in psearch(self, pattern, ns_table, ns_search, ignore_case, show_all)
    607             tmp_res = list(list_namespace(ns,type_pattern,filter,
    608                                           ignore_case=ignore_case,
--> 609                                           show_all=show_all))
    610             search_result.extend(tmp_res)
    611         search_result.sort()

/home/jason/sage/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/IPython/wildcard.pyc in list_namespace(namespace, type_pattern, filter, ignore_case, show_all)
    146         for name,obj in nsdict.iteritems():
147 ns=list_namespace(obj,type_pattern,".".join(pattern_list[1:]), --> 148 ignore_case=ignore_case,show_all=show_all)
    149             for inner_name,inner_obj in ns.iteritems():
    150                 res["%s.%s"%(name,inner_name)]=inner_obj

/home/jason/sage/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/IPython/wildcard.pyc in list_namespace(namespace, type_pattern, filter, ignore_case, show_all)
    134     if len(pattern_list)==1:
135 ns=NameSpace(namespace,name_pattern=pattern_list[0],type_pattern=type_pattern,
--> 136                      ignore_case=ignore_case,show_all=show_all)
    137         return ns.ns
    138     else:

/home/jason/sage/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/IPython/wildcard.pyc in __init__(self, obj, name_pattern, type_pattern, ignore_case, show_all)
     90                    # thing.  In particular, Traits use this pattern
     91                    try:
---> 92                        kv.append((key,getattr(obj,key)))
     93                    except AttributeError:
     94                        pass

/home/jason/sage/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/structure/element.so in sage.structure.element.Element.__getattr__ (sage/structure/element.c:2743)()
in sage.structure.parent.getattr_from_other_class 
TypeError: descriptor '__weakref__' for 'Objects.element_class' objects 
doesn't apply to 'sage.matrix.matrix_integer_dense.Matrix_integer_dense' 
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