OK, I use SAGE in my teaching a lot now. Its great for algebra, trig, precalc, plots in 2D and 3D, limits, derivatives and integrals both analytic and numerical.

There's only one thing holding me back from using SAGE exclusively. I come from the MATLAB/Octave world and miss the matrix paradigm. In Octave, every variable represents some data as a matrix. This could be an actual matrix (retangular nxm or square nxn), a 1xm row vector, an nx1 column vector or even a 1x1 single scalar value.

So, if you wouldn't mind excusing this poor noob, could some kind soul on this form please help me translate the following into SAGE? I don't know if I could use python lists or some other construct in SAGE. Is this where importing scipy comes into play?

SAMPLE INPUT Octave script file (vector1.m) playing with vector sums and scalar dot products as a simple example:
#!/usr/bin/octave -q
diary vector1.txt
%vector1.m      MrG     2010.0324
%purpose:   practice with script m-files and vector arith

%initialize 2 vectors in R^3
a=[1 2 3]
b=[-1 0 5]

%vector sums

%vector magnitudes
lenA = norm(a)
lenB = norm(b)
lenC = norm(c)
lenD = norm(d)

%scalar dot product
theta1 = acos(e/lenA/lenB)
theta2 = theta1*180/pi

SAMPLE OUTPUT Octave file (vector1.txt):
a =

  1   2   3

b =

 -1   0   5

c =

  0   2   8

d =

 -2  -2   2

lenA =  3.7417
lenB =  5.0990
lenC =  8.2462
lenD =  3.4641
e =  14
f =  14
g =  14
theta1 =  0.74690
theta2 =  42.794

A. Jorge Garcia

Teacher & Professor
Applied Mathematics, Physics & Computer Science
Baldwin Senior High School & Nassau Community College

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