Hi Rob,

Rob Beezer escribió:
> A small group has been working on an education-related grant proposal to the 
> US 
> National Science Foundation to support work making it easier to use Sage in 
> undergraduate courses.  The description of the CCLI Type 2 program is at:
> http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2009/nsf09529/nsf09529.html
> A draft copy of our proposal is attached.  High-level or strategic feedback 
> would be most welcome.  We need to finish this up around January 8, so we'll 
> post a final draft later for anybody willing to help proofread, but right now 
> you can ignore minor screwups.  It would be especially helpful now to see if 
> everything makes sense and flows properly on a first reading, since we've all 
> spent too much time staring at it already.  ;-)
> Thanks in advance.
> Rob (for UTMOST)

Is really nice to see more and more efforts on making Sage more suited 
to mathematical educative contexts. Ted Kosan, from MathRider, and I, 
have been discussing about our experience using Sage with that priority 
in mind. May be some of the reflexions could be useful for your 
proposal. You can follow the thread here:


There are some pragmatical consequences of the discussion as using ReST 
as the storage format for documents. Being your proposal strongly 
focused on interactive Sage powered documents for education, Do you 
think is feasible to implement that feature also? I see a lot of 
potential on having an easy to read/write format for that documents, so 
you can teach it easily, you can use it on smaller/simpler 
infrastructures like Sage Small (SPD), stand alone, non web interfaces 
like MathRider, Lurch or even without any CAS at all, like in text 
emails. There are more reasons in the thread.

Cheers and keep the good work.


PS: I really would like to participate in some Sage Education Days. Lets 
hope to see the calls and if there is any grant ;-)
PS2: In your paper you talk about integration of the interactive docs 
with LMS like moodle. I have trying an alternative approach making 
"integration" with Knowledge Management Systemas like the 
Python/Zope/Plone powered Cyn.in (integration means publication, tagging 
and comments on that platform of the TeXmacs + Sage or LyX + Sagenb.org 
documents) and it has worked a lot better that the "noisy collaborative" 
web interface of Sage. You could mention that integrations with KMS like 
cyn.in could be used also (preliminary field test in educational 
environments has shown a positive impact on classroom practices)


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