This was a pleasant surprise.  I discovered it over the weekend.

sage: f(x, y, A, B, C) = (A*x + B*y + C == 0)

Having defined general form, you can assign values to the parameters
derive whatever particular equation you might want:

sage: f(A=1, B=2, C=3)
 x + 2*y + 3 == 0

If you assign a value to a parameter, it will be used.  If you don't
a value, the variable will be treated as symbolic.
However, no variables need to be explicitly declared as symbolic.

You can then isolate variables for different purposes:

sage: solve(_, y)
[y == -1/2*x - 3/2]

sage: example = f(A=3, B=2, C=-4)

sage: example
3*x + 2*y - 4 == 0

sage: example(x=0)
2*y - 4 == 0

sage: solve(_,y)
[y == 2]

sage: example(y=0)
3*x - 4 == 0

sage: solve(_,x)
[x == (4/3)]

This was very useful for class discussion.  We were studying general
form of
a linear equation.  The typical high school textbook treatment of
leaves kids thinking that functions simply return numeric values, that
equations can be expressed in a functional form, but a function that
an equation?  That you just don't see.  But the kids could follow
They thought it was cool.

- Michel

"Computer science is the new mathematics."

-- Dr. Christos Papadimitriou

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