Just an update:
I may not have this lab after all!  My new course proposal  for CRL, based 
on Sage and Calculus texts that use Sage as listed on 
_http://www.sagemath.org_ (http://www.sagemath.org) , was approved and  funded. 
 However, CRL was 
approved too late last year to fit into the  students' schedules.  So, we 
were going to meet every day after school for  half a period instead of every 
other day during school (a la science  labs).  The problem is that no one 
told the students and now this isn't  going to fly either as my union says 
teaching after hours is against the  contract.  So, we are trying for a Spring 
Semester class instead.   Sorry, Dr. Stein, but you won't be able to use my 
kids' experience with Sage  toward this year's documentation for new 
A.  Jorge Garcia
_http://calcpage.tripod.com_ (http://calcpage.tripod.com/) 

Teacher  & Professor
Applied Mathematics, Physics & Computer  Science
Baldwin Senior High School & Nassau Community  College

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