Awesome!  I used a sage notebook hooked up to a video projector
for my final presentation in a statistical physics class.  I used
random matrices and random graphs and just scrolled through a
notebook with code, images, latex and html to give my talk.  I
too mention sage every chance I get.

So is anybody going to the Scipy conference next week in Pasadena?

On Aug 12, 12:57 pm, Rob Beezer <> wrote:
> The Mathematical Association of America held its summer meeting ("MathFest") 
> in
> Portland, Oregon last week.
> Jason Grout gave an excellent presentation on Sage interacts, concisely
> describing Sage and pitching the ease of building interacts for classroom
> demonstrations.  Dylan Poulsen showed his G1 Android phone running the same
> linear transformation demo as the one Jason was showing.  Not only was the
> presentation very good, but Jason looked very good doing it (see attached 
> photo,
> courtesy of Dylan).
> Tom Boothby gave an excellent research talk on embedding permutation string
> diagrams.
> I gave a talk about the Hoffman-Singleton graph which was totally 
> Sage-powered,
> since about half of the slides, and both animations, were images output from a
> Sage script.  The graph theory developers might enjoy seeing what they have 
> wrought:
> Jason and I also had a very productive coffee-shop meeting with two interested
> people, introducing them to the Sage development process and community.
> Anecdotally, I asked everybody I knew, "Have you seen Sage?"  The most common
> response was "Yes - I need to learn that."  But several folks were already
> further along and obviously excited about using it in their classes or 
> research.
>   So it would seem that Sage is no longer an unknown among the US collegiate
> crowd but more folks need to take the plunge and start really exploring it.
> Rob
>  grout-mathfest.jpg
> 106KViewDownload

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