Hi Offray,

Thanks for the reply.  I think we pretty much in agreement on most all
of this.

> this will be some kind of experience that they don't want to repeat.

Yes, I've seen students resist, but then become proponents, especially
with Beamer versus Powerpoint.  ;-)

Also, I agree that PlasTeX's statement about splitting the parser and
the renderer is a very good idea and suggests certain possibilities.
But it also appears that TeXmacs has taken a similar approach.  It
seems that their structured "source tree" creates similar
possibilities and they already have the ability to incorporate Sage
sessions into that tree.

Here's everything I think I can tell you about using tex4ht to convert
tex to sws.

Suppose latex source is named A.tex

Most direct:
1.  htlatex A.tex "xhtml,jsmath,info" " -cmozhtf"
2.  In Sage notebook:
    (a) New Worksheet
    (b) Edit button
    (c) Keep first two lines
    (c) Then paste in A.css (part of the htlatex output), wrapped in
<style>,</style> tags
    (d) Then paste in A.html (more of the htlatex output)
    (e) Save Changes

More involved:
1.  Grab the quick-and-dirty files:
2.  htlatex A.tex "tex4ht-sage.cfg" " -cmozhtf"
3.  Run python script:  parse-tex4ht A.html A.css A.presage
4.  Cut/paste  A.presage  into blank Edit box for new worksheet

The latter process will take a \begin{sageverbatim}\end{sageverbatim}
environment in the Latex source and eventually convert it to a Sage
cell in the worksheet.  (There is no such environment - this is just a
hack to mark off Sage code in the latex source.)  My goal in life is
to make (3) obsolete and streamline the rest.


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