
I am beginning to get discouraged. I compiled and installed 3.4.1 from source, 
I could not get
the notebook server to open no matter what I did. I got a blizzard of error 
messages and it went
back to sage. I killed my entire Debian server setup and rebuilt a new server 
using Ubuntu
Linux.  I downloaded your latest binary file, the one marked Ubuntu 8.10 sage 
3.4.1 sse2 
that is at the top of the Linux 64bit list. When I opened SAGE, this time there 
were no compiler
error messages and it opened without incident. But when I started the notebook, 
I got the same
blizzard of error messages and it refused to open. No variation of the command 
parameters has 
any effect. This is what I get. I have placed them down below. I notice
that the first version I ran was the sagemath 3.4 one, which did work with the 
without any problem.  Is it possible that something was broken in going from 
3.4 to 3.4.1
to account for all this difficulty? I felt I better bring this to your 



P.S. The fact that it did work previously on 3.4 but has adamanantly refused to 
on 2 different forms of 3.4.1 on two different systems rather suggests the 
problem lies
in 3.4.1. Whether a prebuilt version of 3.4.1 or one I compiled myself, it 
behaves the same.

ed/__init__.py", line 355, in listenTLS                                         
2009-04-28 20:31:00+0000 [-]     p.startListening()                             
2009-04-28 20:31:00+0000 [-]   File 
", line 739, in startListening                                                  
2009-04-28 20:31:00+0000 [-]     raise CannotListenError, (self.interface, 
self.port, le)                               
2009-04-28 20:31:00+0000 [-] twisted.internet.error.CannotListenError: Couldn't 
listen on (99, 'Canno
t assign requested address').                                                   
such file or directory                    
error                                     Traceback (most recent call last)     
/root/.sage/<ipython console> in <module>()                                     
 in __call__(self, *a
rgs, **kwds)                                                                    
    163     """                                                                 
    164     def __call__(self, *args, **kwds):                                  
--> 165         return self.notebook(*args, **kwds)                             
    167     notebook = run_notebook.notebook_twisted                            
 in notebook_twisted(sel
f, directory, port, address, port_tries, secure, reset, accounts, 
require_login, server_pool, ulimit, timeout, open_view
er, sagetex_path, start_path, fork, quiet)                                      
    273     if open_viewer:                                                     
    274         "Open viewer automatically isn't fully implemented.  You have 
to manually open your web browser to the a
bove URL."                                                                      
--> 275     return run(port)                                                    
 in run(port)           
    257             e = os.system(cmd)                                          
    258         if e == 256:                                                    
--> 259             raise socket.error                                          
    260         return True                                                     
    261         # end of inner function run                                     

From: William Stein <wst...@gmail.com>
To: sage-edu@googlegroups.com
Sent: Saturday, April 25, 2009 9:02:56 PM
Subject: [sage-edu] Re: Grant for a sage server

On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 11:15 AM, David Joyner <wdjoy...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Again, I'm not an expert on these matters but it seems to me upon reading
> "notebook?" that you need "accounts=True". Do you read it that way?

Reading the output of notebook? is a good idea.

accounts=True makes it so other users can *make* accounts.

Once accounts are made, then you can definitely run the notebook with
accounts=False, and those other
users can still login.

You address line is suspicious, by the way.  It should be

   notebook(address="", port=8000,secure=True)

It sounds to me like you are *not* creating accounts correctly.  Try
the following:

1) start the notebook with

  sage:    notebook(address="", port=8000,secure=True,

2) Make the accounts using the notebook interface, i.e., clicking at
the login screem on "Create a new account".

3) Then exit the notebook and restart it with

  sage:    notebook(address="", port=8000,secure=True,

so nobody else can create accounts.


> On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 1:55 PM, Gerald Smith <mathb...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Greetings!
>> I used the following command to start up the notebook server:
>> notebook(address='', secure=True)
>> ThankYou,
>> Jerry
>> >
> >

William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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