On Jan 27, 2009, at 3:12 PM, calcp...@aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 1/27/2009 2:38:49 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
> wst...@gmail.com writes:
> This discussion should be on sage-nt, the list for sage number theory
> discussion:
> Oh, I did not know of this list!  How do I get a list of all sage  
> forums?  I only know of sage-edu, sage-support and sage-devel!  Now  
> there's sage-nt too?

There's sage-combinat, sage-announce, and sage-trac (to be notified  
of every ticket change). I'm not sure of any others, but it would be  
good to have a list somewhere on the site. The goal of more specific  
lists is because the volume of traffic on sage-devel and sage-support  
is just too high for some people.

- Robert

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