I'm still trying to learn a bit about Sage in general and python in
particular.  I was trying to code the Lucas-Lehmer Test for primality
of Mersenne Numbers of the form 2**p-1 where p is an odd integer.

I found this code on wikipedia

def lucas_lehmer(p):
    s = 4
    m = (2**p)-1
    for i in range(0, p-2):
        s = ((s*s)-2)%m
    return (s==0)

Can anyone out there please comment on the correctness of this boolean
function?  This does not look like the Lucas-Lehmer Test I've seen
before.  Isn't the idea is to be able to test large values of 2**p-1
without calculating 2**p-1, right?  This function dosn't do that!

Anyone recall the correct algorithm for this test?

A. Jorge Garcia

Applied Math, Physics and CompSci
Baldwin High School & Nassau Community College

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