On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 4:20 PM,  <calcp...@aol.com> wrote:
> In a message dated 1/12/2009 6:30:50 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
> mhan...@gmail.com writes:
> If one were doing this on a cluster, you'd start workers on each of
> the machines in the cluster and then have each of those workers
> connect to a single server.
> Wow, thanx Mike for all that info!  You've got the ball rolling for sure.
> So, what you have detailed is for running on a single multicore PC?  I have
> 25 dualcores, how do I set up a cluster using all 50 cores if I needed them?

You just need to have Sage on all of the machines and then on each of
them you'd run

sage: dsage.worker(server='address_of_dsage_server',
port=dsage_server_port, workers=2)

to start 2 workers (processes).  The DSage server can be started on
one machine with the dsage.server() method.  Look at dsage.server? for
its options.  Once the server is started, you can get a connection to
it with dsage.connect().  Again, look at its docstring for the options
it takes.  The output of dsage.connect() will be the object you use to
send jobs to the server.  The server then will handle distributing the
jobs to the workers that are connected to it.


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