
Here at Harvard, we're interested in using SAGE for a Physical
Sciences course this fall. The course is part of a series of
introductory college physics and chemistry courses intended to
students in the life sciences (including pre-meds).

We want to provide a computational element to the labs and provide a
gentle introduction to programming concepts and techniques. Some of
the exercises we envision for the students will include:
- plotting data
- file I/O
- random number generation
- numerical integration of equations of motion (this would be the most
advanced exercise)

We like the idea of using python for that purpose and the SAGE
environment appears very attractive, in part because it saves us the
step of asking students to install python and related modules on their
own machines.

My question to the group is: given that the class has about 200
students, do we run the risk of overloading the server if, in the
worst-case scenario, all students are running their programming
exercises at the same time? We will, of course, encourage them to
install SAGE on their own machines to alleviate that risk. A related
question is: how do you deal with security on the SAGE server (say how
do you prevent a user from running malignant scripts after registering
and logging in)?

Thanks for any info you can share on these topics...

We're very excited at the prospect of using SAGE.

Daniel Jamous, Ph.D.
Senior Specialist for Instructional Computing in the Sciences and
Social Sciences
Instructional Computing Group
FAS Information Technology
Harvard University


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