On 5/1/20 8:45 AM, kcrisman wrote:
>     I don't know whether python functions can call the ! things but I
>     think it would help users to keep search_src(s) as a shorthand for
>     !grep -r s $SAGE_ROOT/src and search_def(s) for search_src("def "+s).
> Thanks for more calmly and concisely making my point for me.
> As for a relevant xkcd: https://xkcd.com/1168/

If you don't start sage from $SAGE_ROOT, then having an alias is nice,
but there's also a standard way to do that:

  $ alias search_src="cd $SAGE_ROOT/src/sage; grep -r"

Now I can run whatever grep variant I want, easily, from anywhere:

  $ search_src -il orlitzky graphs

(And pipe the result to another command, if I want). Point is, we don't
need to reimplement every fifty-year-old standard POSIX feature in
python to make it "usable." The people who know how to use grep/alias
far outnumber the people who know how to use sage's search_src(). The
people who know neither need to learn one, and they're better off
learning the reusable skill.

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