
I have a small .gp file, that I am using from inside sage, and that works 

I can compile it and use it from pari/gp using "gp2c-run" and it works fine 

But when I try to use the compiled file (more precisely the ".so") from 
sage by using "pari.install" with the lines suggested in the .c file, it 
gives me Segmentation faults :

sage: pari('idtowd([2,3])')
SignalError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-83e72b80417a> in <module>()
----> 1 pari('idtowd([2,3])')

cypari2/pari_instance.pyx in cypari2.pari_instance.Pari.__call__()

cypari2/gen.pyx in cypari2.gen.objtogen()

cypari2/convert.pyx in cypari2.convert.PyObject_AsGEN()

SignalError: Segmentation fault

What am I doing wrong ? What is the proper way to use compiled gp scripts 
from sage ?

Cheers, and take care.


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