I've uninstalled the Homebrew install of gcc.  I had posted that before 
because, upon attempting to install gfortran using Homebrew, I get

Error: No available formula with the name "gfortran" 
GNU Fortran is part of the GCC formula: 
  brew install gcc

For completeness, in case something else is causing a conflict, here are my 
Homebrew packages.

mth153844pe212:sage-git salis1bt$ brew list
arb gdbm icu4c libffi little-cms2 openblas pixman webp 
cairo gettext ilmbase libheif lua openexr python x265 
flint glib imagemagick libmpc lzo openjpeg python@2 xz 
fontconfig gmp isl libomp matplotlib openssl qt 
freetype gnuplot jpeg libpng mpfr openssl@1.1 readline 
fribidi graphite2 libcerf libtiff ntl pango shared-mime-info 
gd harfbuzz libde265 libtool numpy pcre sqlite

Note that I attempted to build Sage again after uninstalling gcc with 
Homebrew, and the build still fails.

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