I have started #27926.

I think I leave the base ring business as it is for now. I belive it is 
taken care of in many (if not all) places, where the base ring of the 
vertices might differ.

Am Dienstag, 4. Juni 2019 11:20:07 UTC+2 schrieb jplab:
> Hi Jonathan,
> Le lundi 3 juin 2019 23:31:29 UTC+2, vdelecroix a écrit :
>> To my mind: 
>>   * backend and base ring should be preserved by default. Of course 
>>     it should make sense: a translation by sqrt(2) would break the 
>>     base ring QQ. 
> +1
>>   * no need to create one ticket for each method if this is mostly 
>>     the same action to be done for each of them. If some method needs 
>>     special care or give rise to discussions, a specific ticket could 
>>     be open. 
> +1
> Le 03/06/2019 à 23:25, 'Jonathan Kliem' via sage-devel a écrit : 
>> > At the moment the backend setting is lost, when constructing a pyramid 
>> of a 
>> > Polyhedron. 
>> > 
>> > Same holds for all other constructions. 
> If you are ready to go through the construction to make them consistent 
> with the above convention: great!
> > Any thoughts on this? 
>> > 
>> > Also I think the base ring should be respected as well (as is done in 
>> > Polyhedron.translation). 
>> > At the moment it can happen, that the base ring shrinks, when 
>> constructing 
>> > a pyramid for example 
>> > (if the user forced base ring QQ, there might have been good reason for 
>> > doing so, and I would say it is not nice, if one has to change base 
>> ring 
>> > again along the way). 
> It is hard to make sense of "If the user forced base ring QQ" after the 
> object got created. 
> How should we know if that keyword was given when looking at the object?
> The reason I ask this question is because I do not believe that the usage 
> of the keyword 
> "base_ring" is "to force the base ring used", but rather to help the 
> constructor to build the 
> desired object in a specific base ring: the input is converted in that 
> base ring (if possible) 
> once things are constructed. Then, as Vincent mentioned, and I agree, the 
> base ring 
> should be kept as long as it is possible.
> good
> On the other hand, a user "forcing QQ"  can be thought as a peculiar thing 
> to do. Every 
> rational polyhedron has an integer H-representation, so if one looks at 
> the H-representation, 
> QQ is not necessary to write the H-representation. The distinction comes 
> from the 
> V-representation and has consequences on the related objects (Ehrhart 
> quasi-polynomial 
> vs Ehrhart polynomial and any method that makes use of integer 
> arithmetic...). So, yes 
> there should be a distinction between the two base rings ZZ and QQ. That 
> said, I believe that internally, 
> it should always try to take the "simplest" base ring possible. If the 
> user then wants a 
> different ring, then Sage will give the object back in that one, but may 
> do computations with a 
> different ring. So now again, does "forcing a base ring" makes sense?
> That said, as explained in the tutorial
> http://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/thematic_tutorials/geometry/polyhedra_tutorial.html
> A clean way to work with polyhedron is to have the objects already be in a 
> common base ring already.
> If this is not possible and one gives different types in the input, then 
> it will go on and figure out a 
> proper base ring. But, since this might take a while, the keyword "base 
> ring" helps in this regards.
> So, one should be careful in using this keyword... For example, after 
> #25097 is merged, this will become possible:
> sage: sqrt_2s = sqrt(2)
> sage: cbrt_2s = 2^(1/3)
> sage: P1 = Polyhedron(vertices = [[sqrt_2s, 0], [0, cbrt_2s]]);P1
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> ...
> ValueError: no appropriate backend for computations with Symbolic Ring
> sage: P2 = Polyhedron(vertices = [[sqrt_2s, 0], [0, cbrt_2s]],backend=
> 'normaliz');P2
> A 1-dimensional polyhedron in (Symbolic Ring)^2 defined as the convex 
> hull of 2 vertices
> sage: Polyhedron(vertices = [[sqrt_2s, 0], [0, cbrt_2s]],backend='field')
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> ...
> ValueError: the 'field' backend for polyhedron can not be used with non-exact 
> fields
> The object P2's base ring is the Symbolic Ring, but the computations are 
> done in the normaliz field accessible with the method `_normaliz_field`.  
> J-P

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