Another question: If I use  nautygen and generate huge number of graph, how
do I load into sage?
Because in my for loop, I also use other functions such as Sandpile on the
graph generated by nautygen.

On Wed, Mar 20, 2019 at 11:48 PM Jori Mäntysalo (TAU) <> wrote:

> On Thu, 21 Mar 2019, Ai Bo wrote:
> > Is there a way to "random access"? For example, access the nth element
> > in the "generator", instead of one by one?
> Kind of. As a most time is propably spent by creating Python data
> structures for SageMath, you can use nautygen directly to generate huge
> number of graphs.
> As an example, it takes below 5 seconds to generate all biconnected graphs
> on 10 vertices, and I took third last one:
> $ nauty26r7/geng 10 -C | tail -3 | head -1
> >A /home/jm58660/lat-koe/nauty26r7/geng -Cd2D9 n=10 e=10-45
> >Z 9743542 graphs generated in 4.59 sec
> I]~~~~~~w
> and now
> sage: g = Graph('I]~~~~~~w', format='graph6')
> sage: g.is_biconnected()
> True
> --
> Jori Mäntysalo
> Tampereen yliopisto - Ihminen ratkaisee
> --
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