On Fri, Feb 1, 2019 at 4:23 PM mmarco <mma...@unizar.es> wrote:
> Thanks for the answers.
> I just realized that the package I want to install is available by quicklisp, 
> so maybe it would be easyer to install it using that.
> However I noticed that quicklisp installs evetything in the users home 
> directory, even if it is called from the sage environment. That would be ok 
> for single user systems, but might be a problem if we have a system wide sage 
> install for multiple users.
> Do you know if there is a way to configure quicklisp inside sage to use the 
> sage directory for its instalataions?

it just works, in a way:

 $ ./sage --ecl
ECL (Embeddable Common-Lisp) 16.1.2 (git:UNKNOWN)
> (require :ecl-quicklisp)

;;; Loading #P"/mnt/opt/Sage/sage-dev/local/lib/ecl/ecl-quicklisp.fas"
> (ql:quickload "kenzo")
> (ql:quickload :kenzo-test)

(fiveam:run! :kenzo)

Running test suite KENZO

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