Have we come to any conclusions on what steps should be taken after this 
topic? What seems to be the concensus? Or, at the very least, could someone 
give a listing of the options we have so that we can give it a poll or 
something similar?

On Monday, April 2, 2018 at 2:58:36 AM UTC-5, Sebastian Oehms wrote:
> Hello,
> This topic is a good example, that wrong names can be worse than wrong 
> code.
> Only the user knows what he has in mind using the adjective "prime":
> 1) prime in a "narrower sense": being a prime number
> 2) prime in a "broader sense":  being a prime element of a unital 
> commutative ring 
> Therefore, the user must have the possibility to solve this ambiguity.
> If we will do that by an optional argument (as suggested by Erik Bray), 
> then we have to fix a default! Taking the default to be 1) would prefer the 
> casual user and keep track with popular CAS. 
> WolframAlpha answers the question "is 3/1 prime?" in the sense of 1) with 
> "true". If you have 2) in mind this seems to be a bug. But to be fair: The 
> result "true" matches the explanation WolframAlpha gives for the adjective 
> "prime" (namely according to 1)). If you ask "is 3/1 a prime element?" then 
> it shows you the definition of "prime element" but does not calculate any 
> thing.
> Now, Sage can calculate this, and accordingly gives the answer in the 
> sense of 2) like mathematicians would expect. Does it so, always?
> sage: is_prime(I)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last
> )
> ............
> TypeError: Unable to coerce I to an integer
> This looks as if even Sage is trying to give the answer according to 1), 
> as well!
> Nevertheless, taking 2) as default would raise less compatibility problems 
> (and seems to be the favorite in most of the contributions of this thread).
> But anyway, IMHO the best thing would be to follow the suggestion of Eric 
> Gourgoulhon, solving the ambiguity by separated function names. But if the 
> name "is_prime" should survive, you will have to make a "default"-decision, 
> as well.
> As a newcomer to sage-devel I cannot really say, how painful the most 
> transparent solution would be, but I think it should be taken into account, 
> too:
> Deprecation of "is_prime" as function (not as method!!! since there is no 
> ambiguity here) and replace it by two new functions "is_prime_number" and 
> "is_prime_element" (according to the corresponding Wikipedia articles). The 
> first function should try to coerce the input into ZZ and raise an error if 
> this it not possible or not positive. The second one should raise an error 
> if the input is not an element of a unital commutative ring and a warning 
> in the case the ring is a field (according to 
> https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/25046). In cases as for the SymbolicRing 
> above a NotImplementedError should be raised.
> If you think deprecation of "is_prime()" would be to painful, then which 
> of both ("is_prime_number" or "is_prime_element") should keep the name 
> "is_prime"? I found contributions for both possibilities!
> Best,
> Sebastian

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