Sounds reasonable to me. Can you open a trac ticket for this?

On 28 March 2018 at 18:01, Nicolás Sirolli <> wrote:

> The Gauss sum for the Dirichlet character modulo 1 is equal to 1, but:
> sage: G = DirichletGroup(1)
> sage: chi = G.list()[0]
> sage: chi.gauss_sum()
> 0
> The output is zero because the gauss_sum function in modular/,
> after some preliminaries, computes the following:
> for c in chi.values()[1:]:
>     z *= zeta
>     g += L(c)*z
> return g
> If chi.modulus() > 1, then chi.values()[0] equals 0, so it can be skipped
> in the sum above. But in this case, it equals 1 and needs to be included in
> the sum
> I'm using 8.2 beta 7.
> Best,
> Nicolás.
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