Hi Dima,

On 2018-04-05, Dima Pasechnik <dimp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thursday, April 5, 2018 at 11:06:26 AM UTC+2, Simon King wrote:
>> So, question: Do I need to manually change the permissions of scripts 
>> generated by autotools in my spkg? 
> This looks strange to me. Where are the sources of the spkg in question, 
> could you post a link?


The tarball comprises two source folders:
- pyxsources, for a bunch of pip-installable python and cython modules
- csources, for an autotoolized c-library-with-some-executables. This is
  where one can also find install.sh that autotools didn't make
  executable, which is no problem on my ubuntu laptop but is a problem on
  John's OS X machine.

>> John also reports that when installing the package, its two dependencies 
>> have been *automatically* installed. 
>> Question: Is that really what should happen? I expected that a missing 
>> dependency would just give rise to an error, with a message stating 
>> what dependencies the user should install. 
> No, why? What's wrong with automatic installation of dependencies? 
> How would you even expect Sage building to work without it?

Good point.

Or maybe I wasn't expecting an error but a question: "Installing foo has
bar as a dependency. Do you want to install bar or abort"

But then again expecting the user to answer questions is not good for
automatic building.

So, I think we better forget about my original expectation...

>> Moreover, the automatic installation of one of the dependencies (namely 
>> meataxe) was incomplete: One needs `sage -b` to make meataxe work, 
>> but the automatic installation of dependencies didn't do `sage -b`. 
>> Question: How to deal with that?
> Perhaps ./sage -b must be run in spkg-install of the meataxe?

If it is ok that an optional package directly does `sage -b` then I'll
open a ticket for it.

>> Anyway, it should be possible for an optional package to require 
>> `sage -b` before or after its installation. 
>> Suggested syntax: Including `sagelib` into the list of dependencies 
>> of a package should trigger `sage -b` before installation. 
> hmm, before or after? 

If sagelib is a dependency of package foo, then I'd expect `sage -b` to
happen *before* foo is built.

On the other hand, as it was pointed out by Jeroen on the ticket, I
should append $(SAGERUNTIME) to build/pkgs/p_group_cohomology/dependencies,
if running the tests requires sage -b

Best regards,

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