On 2018-03-28, saad khalid <saad1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So, in this case, 
> it Should assume that 3/1 is referring to the integer 3, use is_prime on 
> the integer, and then also give a warning stating that 3/1 was interpreted 
> as the integer 3. Then, we should have a function like is_prime_in_ring, 
> which functions the way is_prime functions right now, ie it takes into 
> account what the parent was instead of making the common simplification. 
> The warning I mentioned earlier could even tell the use that if they want a 
> ring dependent result, then they should use is_prime_in_ring. Again, the 
> vast majority of users are assuming 3/1 = 3, and paying attention to the 
> parent is a case of special usage. 

That makes sense to me.
Thus I now think, z.is_prime() should roughly work like this:
def is_prime(self):
    P = self.parent()
    if P in Fields():
            R = P.ring_of_integers()
        except AttributeError:
            R = P
        if self not in R:
            return False
        if P is not R:
            deprecation(<relevant ticket>, """
You are testing primality of {},
which was constructed as an element of {}.
We assume that you want a primality test in {}. If this
was not your intention, use .is_prime_in_ring(<ring>)""".format(self,P,R))
        P = R
    return self.is_prime_in_ring(P)


def is_prime_in_ring(self,R=None):
    if R is None:
       R = self.parent()
    return <whether self is a prime in R>

Not so sure if "deprecation" is the right thing, as the plan is not to
eventually remove a functionality. But at least in that way the warning
would be printed only once, and after all it *is* deprecated to use
is_prime for primality test in a field (use is_prime_in_ring instead).

Best regards,

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