On Monday, March 26, 2018 at 11:34:04 AM UTC+1, Dr David Kirkby wrote:
> On 26 March 2018 at 00:09, Dima Pasechnik <dim...@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
>> Given this, there should be no tickets made blockers merely on the basis 
>> that Sage broke on your favourite patchbot or  laptop...
>> Dima
> I think the method Wolfram Research follow with Mathematica has a *lot* 
> of merit. With respect to Linux, they say:
> http://www.wolfram.com/mathematica/system-requirements.html
> "Ubuntu 12.04–17.10 
> RHEL 6–7 
> CentOS 6–7 
> Debian 7–9 
> openSUSE 12.1–13.2/Leap 42.3 
> Fedora 14–27 
> *Mathematica 11.3 has been fully tested on the Linux distributions listed 
> above. On new Linux distributions, additional compatibility libraries may 
> need to be installed. It is likely that Mathematica will run successfully 
> on other distributions based on the Linux kernel 2.6 or later.*

I think their task at Wolfram is much easier than here, as compatible to 
Sage's requirements would be certifying a
particular Linux distribution to be fully fit for Sage *development* rather 
than simple Sage usage.


> So in other words, I would suggest 
> 1) Pick a set of distributions you want to support - not necessarily the 
> same as Wolfram Research. 
> 2) Make sure there are patchbots for *all* of them, which test* all 
> optional packages*. 
> 3) Make tickets blockers if they fail to work 100% on one of the fully 
> supported platforms. 
> 4) If it is impossible to get some aspect of Sage working properly on a 
> fully supported platform, either drop that part of Sage, or remove that 
> distribution from the list of fully supported platforms. 
> Some of the ideas presented above by some people, would in my opinion at 
> least, have a negative aspect to the quality of the code. 
> Dave 

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