With my aproach there is no need of an extra apache server. The jupyterhub 
server takes care of that.

I guess that my patch would conflict with the standard use (without 
jupyterhub). So in order to include it in the main branch we would need a 
way to distinguish if we are running through jupyterhub or not.

El domingo, 4 de marzo de 2018, 0:42:43 (UTC+1), Kwankyu Lee escribió:
> On Sunday, March 4, 2018 at 1:17:40 AM UTC+9, mmarco wrote:
>> Thanks, I finally could solve it with a dirty hack:
>> I put the nbextensions inside /usr/local/share/jupyter/hub/static/ 
> I did the same.
>> jupyterhub does serve files that are located there  
> Right, at /hub/static/. So I used the apache directives like
> ProxyPass /nbextensions/jsmol/     my_domain:8000/hub/static/jsmol/
>> and patched sage to serve those file from /static/... instead of 
>> /nbextensions/...
> If sage is patched to find the resources from /static/... instead of 
> /nbextensions/..., then I could write
> ProxyPass /static/jsmol/     my_domain:8000/hub/static/jsmol/
> This looks cleaner. I suggest you to make a ticket for your patch.

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