> On Feb 17, 2018, at 23:20 , Simon King <simon.k...@uni-jena.de> wrote:
> Hi!
> Since quite some time I prefer to read the sage mailing lists (-devel, 
> -support, -release etc) using slrn, but since a couple of days I get a 
> Run-Time Error stating that the server news.gmane.org couldn't be resolved.
> Is that a permanent problem?

>From here on the left coast of the USA, I can resolve the name and get “ping” 
>responses.  Using it in a browser works well enough to get a “page not found” 
>response from gmane.org.



Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon-At-Large
Institute for the Enhancement of the Director's Income
"Weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals.
 Well, except the weasel."
      - Homer J Simpson

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