I realized that I ran
sage: gap.eval('LoadAllPackages();')
which broke libgap.  For anyone else reading this, the following fixed the
problem (taken from gap_reset_workspace, with sonata and guava removed due
to "Warning: this should never happen" and braid removed because I don't
have it installed):

g = Gap(use_workspace_cache=False, max_workspace_size=None)
g.eval('SetUserPreference("HistoryMaxLines", 30)')
for pkg in ['GAPDoc', 'ctbllib', 'factint', 'gapdoc', 'grape', 'design',
'toric', 'laguna']:
    g.load_package(pkg, verbose=True)

Thanks for the help Dima: my calculations are running smoothly again!

On Sat, Feb 17, 2018 at 12:57 AM, David Roe <roed.m...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks, that helps a lot.  After some experimentation, it seems like
> gap> LoadPackage("CRISP");
> is sufficient.
> However, when I try to do it from sage I get the following:
> sage: gap.eval('LoadPackage("CRISP");')
> Warning: this should never happen
> and sage hangs.  Googling leads me to https://groups.google.com/
> forum/#!topic/sage-support/60HHHL8Bw_8, which I interpret as suggesting
> that CRISP is using LoadDynamicModule. However, searching on
> https://github.com/bh11/crisp, I don't see any calls to that function.
> Is there something else that could be responsible?  Is there a way to use
> CRISP through gap.eval in Sage?
> David
> On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 11:40 PM, Dima Pasechnik <dimp...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> The problem is in the packages loaded (or not) by Sage's GAP vs by GAP's
>> GAP.
>> Namely, if I start Sage's gap by ./sage --gap
>> and do
>> gap> LoadAllPackages();
>> gap> NormalSubgroups(SmallGroup(1458,1180));
>> I'd get your error
>> Now, if I take GAP's source for 4.8.6:
>> https://www.gap-system.org/pub/gap/gap48/tar.bz2/gap4r8p6_
>> 2016_11_12-14_25.tar.bz2
>> untar it, and copy its pkg/ directory to $SAGEROOT/local/gap/latest/
>>  start Sage's gap by ./sage --gap
>> and do
>> gap> LoadAllPackages();
>> gap> NormalSubgroups(SmallGroup(1458,1180));
>> [ <pc group of size 1458 with 7 generators>, Group([ f1, f2, f3^2*f4, f5,
>> f6, f7 ]), Group([ f2, f3^2*f4, f4, f5, f6, f7 ]),
>>   Group([ f1, f3^2*f4, f4, f5, f6, f7 ]), Group([ f1, f2*f4*f6, f3^2*f4,
>> f5, f6, f7 ]), Group([ f1, f2^2*f4*f6^2, f3^2*f4, f5, f6, f7 ]),
>>   Group([ f1, f3^2*f4, f5, f6, f7 ]), Group([ f3^2*f4, f4, f5, f6, f7 ]),
>> Group([ f2*f4*f6, f3^2*f4, f5, f6, f7 ]),
>>   Group([ f2^2*f4*f6^2, f3^2*f4, f5, f6, f7 ]), Group([ f2, f3^2*f4, f5,
>> f6, f7 ]), Group([ f1, f3^2*f4, f5*f6^2, f7 ]), Group([ f3^2*f4, f5, f6, f7
>> ]),
>>   Group([ f2*f3^2*f4, f3^2*f4^2, f5*f6^2, f6, f7 ]), Group([ f3^2*f4^2,
>> f5*f6^2, f6, f7 ]), Group([ f2*f3*f6*f7, f5*f6^2, f6, f7 ]),
>>   Group([ f2^2*f4*f6^2, f5*f6^2, f6, f7 ]), Group([ f2*f3^2*f4, f5*f6^2,
>> f6, f7 ]), Group([ f5*f6^2, f6, f7 ]), Group([ f3^2*f4, f5*f6^2, f7 ]),
>>   Group([ f3^2*f4^2, f5^2*f6^2, f7 ]), Group([ f5^2*f6^2, f7 ]), Group([
>> f5*f6^2, f7 ]), Group([ f7 ]), Group([  ]) ]
>> --- it works.
>> Note that LoadAllPackages() is necessary, as apparently the GAP code uses
>> one of these packages for these
>> computation without telling us.
>> So this is a sort of bug, yes, in our way of packaging GAP packages (and
>> it's a sort of GAP's bug to call a code from a package
>> without loading it explicitly...)
>> I don't know what package it is yet.
>> It's very early Sat. morning here, I'll have a look at it over the
>> weekend.
>> On Saturday, February 17, 2018 at 3:12:25 AM UTC, David Roe wrote:
>>> I'm trying to use GAP's small groups library (after installing
>>> gap_packages) and getting strange errors that don't occur in GAP when built
>>> from source.  In particular (using gap_console to get more traceback)
>>> sage: gap_console()
>>> ...
>>> gap> NormalSubgroups(SmallGroup(1458,1180));
>>> Error, List Element: <list>[4] must have an assigned value in
>>>   if map[d] > max  then
>>>     elm := id;
>>> else
>>>     if not IsBound( map[d] )  then
>>>         Error( "<elm> lies not in group defined by <pcgs>" );
>>>     fi;
>>>     ll := LeadingExponentOfPcElement( pa, elm );
>>>     lr := lc[d];
>>>     exp[map[d]] := ll / lr mod ros[d];
>>>     elm := LeftQuotientPowerPcgsElement( pcgs, map[d], exp[map[d]], elm
>>> );
>>> fi; at /home/roed/sage/local/gap/latest/lib/pcgsind.gi:1411 called from
>>> ExponentsOfPcElement( NumeratorOfModuloPcgs( pcgs ), elm, pcgs!.depthMap
>>> ) at /home/roed/sage/local/gap/latest/lib/pcgsmodu.gi:931 called from
>>> ExponentsOfPcElement( ocr.modulePcgs, x ) at
>>> /home/roed/sage/local/gap/latest/lib/onecohom.gi:264 called from
>>> ocr.moduleMap( n ) at /home/roed/sage/local/gap/latest/lib/
>>> onecohom.gi:339 called from
>>> ocr.listToCocycle( lc ) at /home/roed/sage/local/gap/latest/lib/
>>> grplatt.gi:1926 called from
>>> opr( Zero( vs ), k ) at /home/roed/sage/local/gap/latest/lib/
>>> grplatt.gi:1932 called from
>>> ...  at line 2 of *stdin*
>>> Similar problems are occurring with other groups and some other
>>> functions.
>>> In the interest of finishing my calculation, I tried the following in an
>>> attempt to have Sage use a functional GAP:
>>> sage: import sage.interfaces.gap
>>> sage: sage.interfaces.gap.gap_cmd = "/home/roed/gap4r8/bin/gap.sh"
>>> sage: gap.eval('1+1')
>>> which hangs.  Similarly, I tried copying my functional gap installation
>>> to $SAGE_LOCAL/gap/ and updating the "latest" symlink; this allows
>>> gap_console() to function correctly but gap.eval() still hangs.
>>> I don't tend to work with spkgs very often, so I feel like there's
>>> probably something simple I'm overlooking.  Any help in installing a
>>> functioning gap would be appreciated.  I'm also happy to help investigate
>>> what's wrong with our process for installing the small groups library.
>>> David
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