


is an examle, how to use Gröbner walk.

sage: R.<z,y,x>=PolynomialRing(GF(32003),3,order='lex')
sage: I=Ideal([y^3+x*y*z+y^2*z+x*z^3,3+x*y+x^2*y+y^2*z])
sage: I.transformed_basis('gwalk')

However, it says that the other_ring argument is only valid for fglm.

Thus, gwalk will always return a lex GB. :-(

That's not something I need. Can I call gwalk with another target
ordering than lex? How?

Why is there such a restriction built into the singular wrapper in the
first place? According to the Singular documentation, gwalk allows
different target term orders.

Thank you

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