On 2017-07-25 22:16, Jeroen Demeyer wrote:
Hello sage-devel and sage-packaging,
I propose to upgrade the PARI package to the git master version instead
of the current released version.
Now that the cypari2 upgrade has been merged, I am working on this.
Thanks to the new cypari2, *building* Sage with PARI master works out of
the box already.
There are quite a bit of doctest failures though (for now, I only tested
src/sage/rings and src/sage/schemes/ because that is where most
non-trivial uses of PARI are):
sage -t src/sage/schemes/elliptic_curves/ell_number_field.py # 2
doctests failed
sage -t src/sage/schemes/projective/projective_morphism.py # 1 doctest
sage -t src/sage/rings/number_field/number_field.py # 3 doctests failed
sage -t src/sage/schemes/elliptic_curves/ell_rational_field.py # 11
doctests failed
sage -t src/sage/schemes/elliptic_curves/heegner.py # 37 doctests failed
sage -t src/sage/rings/qqbar.py # 2 doctests failed
sage -t src/sage/rings/number_field/number_field_ideal.py # 1 doctest
sage -t src/sage/rings/number_field/number_field_rel.py # 2 doctests failed
sage -t src/sage/schemes/elliptic_curves/period_lattice.py # 13
doctests failed
sage -t src/sage/rings/padics/padic_capped_absolute_element.pyx # 1
doctest failed
sage -t src/sage/rings/padics/padic_capped_relative_element.pyx # 1
doctest failed
sage -t src/sage/rings/padics/padic_fixed_mod_element.pyx # 1 doctest
sage -t src/sage/schemes/elliptic_curves/modular_parametrization.py # 8
doctests failed
Usually, this means that the output is still correct, but different. So
most of these will be fixed by simply changing the expected output.
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