Hi sagers,

First let me say thanks for the great piece of software that is sage. You 
all do a tremendous job and maybe don't get thanked enough.

There appears to be a bug in sparse matrix multiplication over small finite 

sage: p = next_prime(2**15); p
sage: M = Matrix(GF(p), 1,3, lambda i,j: -1, sparse=True); M
[32770 32770 32770]
sage: M*M.transpose()
[32738] # INCORRECT, should be 3
sage: M*M.transpose() + 2**32
[3] # it was off by 2^32, hmmm...

Being off by 2^32 hints that there is an integer overflow or signedness 
issue, and indeed I believe the culprit is in the _matrix_times_matrix_ 
method on line 387 of matrix_modn_sparse.pyx 
where a cdef int s is added up without reducing modulo p.

I am currently running release 8.0 on a 64-bit Debian machine. I had some 
old versions of sage lying around and the bug seems to be present in 
versions going back at least to 5.6; it's not a recent change.

Thanks for taking a look!


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