On May 27, 2017 11:13 AM, "Volker Braun" <vbraun.n...@gmail.com> wrote:

In fact, if we were to do some major changes to the build system we should
consider building on top of conda. In particular, we shouldn't just crap
arbitrary files into $SAGE_LOCAL during build, but turn each package into
separate binary achive that then gets installed.

Can I just rein things back in here for a sec? I shouldn't have posted this
on Friday--I don't want to get into any detailed discussions until I'm back
at work on Monday :)

I just wanted to say, that the whole point of what I'm proposing is that
it's *not* a major change. I agree in principle with everything you're
saying and would be happy to talk about bigger changes in a separate

All I'm proposing are some very *minor* changes that change little about
how Sage is currently worked on, while still being a quality of life
improvement, in a way.

In other words, it's something I can do now with maybe a few days of work
instead of a major overhaul of everything. So I'd rather this thread focus
on the details of those minor changes than any big ideas that may or may
not go anywhere.

* Going back in the git history then involves no recompilation, only
re-extracting the cached binaries.
* You can decide on a per-package level if you want to (re-)compile it or
use a binary package
* The whole thing can just be published as a conda channel, just run "conda
install --channel https://sagemath.org sage"
* Incremental binary updates for free
* We could build on conda (-forge) instead of maintaining our own patch,
python, ... packages.
* A conda build recipe is just a better version of how we currently define
packages (spkg-install -> build.sh, metadata in meta.yaml instead of
scattered into multiple files)

On Friday, May 26, 2017 at 11:49:03 PM UTC+2, William wrote:

> On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 6:01 AM, Erik Bray <erik....@gmail.com> wrote:
> [...]
> > The extent and scope to which Sage "vendors" its dependencies, in the
> > form of what some call "sage-the-distribution", is *not* particularly
> > normal in the open source world.  Vendoring *some* dependencies is not
> > unusual, but Sage does nearly all (even down the gcc, in certain
> > cases).  I've learned a lot of the history to this over the past year,
> > and agree that most of the time this has been done with good reasons.
> >
> > For example, I can't think of any other software that forces me to
> > build its own copy of ncurses just to build/install it.  This was
> Maybe Anaconda?
> https://anaconda.org/anaconda/ncurses
> The approach in Sage is indeed very rare, but it's interesting that
> another similar situation is with another big Python computing stack
> (Anaconda), which was developed independently.  In any case, it's
> worth mentioning Anaconda in the proposal.
>  -- William
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