Hi all,

I recently worked through the coding theory thematic tutorial "structures 
in coding theory" which teaches users how to create custom code classes. 
The tutorial in question is available from:


I noticed two problems which I've come up with solutions for, but I would 
like to check that I haven't done something silly (as I am new to Sage). 
For the record, I am running Sage version 8.0.beta2, Release Date: 
2017-04-12 on 64-bit Ubuntu Linux 16.04. They problems are small but since 
the tutorial is aimed at people who may be learning to dig around in the 
source code for the first time, I think they are worth looking at. Please 
let me know if I should open a ticket and fix the following problems.

Many thanks,

*Problem 1*
The constructor for the repetition code in repetition_code.py uses GF(2). 
In order to avoid Error 1 (below) I needed to add the following line to 
from sage.rings.finite_rings.finite_field_constructor import FiniteField as 

*Error 1*
sage: codes.BinaryRepetitionCode(3)
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-43e4a5a8cb42> in <module>()
----> 1 codes.BinaryRepetitionCode(Integer(3))

in __init__(self, length)
     14     def __init__(self, length):
---> 15         super(BinaryRepetitionCode, self).__init__(GF(2), length, 
"RepetitionGeneratorMatrixEncoder", "MajorityVoteDecoder")
     16         self._dimension = 1

NameError: global name 'GF' is not defined

*Problem 2*

As described in section VI of the tutorial, once the user has written their 
repetition_code.py file they need to add some lines to codes_catalog.py, 
encoders_catalog.py and decoders_catalog.py. If the user follows the 
tutorial exactly and adds, for example, 

   from repetition_code import BinaryRepetitionCode

to codes_catalog.py then they will generally encounter Error 2 (below). 
Note that if the user runs ../../../sage -br from sage/src/sage/coding then 
they will not encounter Error 2. In order to avoid Error 2 they could 
instead be instructed to add

   from sage.coding.repetition_code import BinaryRepetitionCode

to codes_catalog.py (and similar for the other files in question).

*Error 2*

sage: codes.HammingCode(GF(2),3)
ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-2617e5c84fa6> in <module>()
----> 1 codes.HammingCode(GF(Integer(2)),Integer(3))

/home/mark/git/sage/src/sage/misc/lazy_import.pyx in 
    355             True
    356         """
--> 357         return getattr(self._get_object(), attr)
    359     # We need to wrap all the slot methods, as they are not 

/home/mark/git/sage/src/sage/misc/lazy_import.pyx in 
    247         elif self._at_startup and not startup_guard:
    248             print('Option ``at_startup=True`` for lazy import {0} 
not needed anymore'.format(self._name))
--> 249         self._object = getattr(__import__(self._module, {}, {}, 
[self._name]), self._name)
    250         alias = self._as_name or self._name
    251         if self._deprecation is not None:

in <module>()
     34 from sage.coding.linear_code import LinearCode
     35 #from sage.coding.repetition_code import BinaryRepetitionCode
---> 36 from repetition_code import BinaryRepetitionCode
     38 _lazy_import('sage.coding.code_constructions',

ImportError: No module named repetition_code

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