An now, successful results from KaDraw : draw graph to a PDF or PNG picture 

> 1. Use web browser to download kadraw from
>   - Indeed : not easy to visualize result of kalp, for the newbie in 
> specific tool graph representation
>     tar tzvf KaDraw_v1.01.tar.gz
>     tar xzvf KaDraw_v1.01.tar.gz 
>     cd KaDraw_v1.0
>      ./
> g++ -o optimized/draw_from_coordinates 
> optimized/app/draw_from_coordinates.o 
> optimized/lib/data_structure/graph_hierarchy.o 
> optimized/lib/algorithms/shorte
> st_paths.o optimized/lib/io/graph_io.o 
> optimized/lib/tools/random_functions.o 
> optimized/lib/tools/graph_extractor.o optimized/lib/tools/quality_metrics.o 
> o
> ptimized/lib/drawing/coarsening/coarsening.o 
> optimized/lib/drawing/coarsening/contraction.o 
> optimized/lib/drawing/coarsening/matching/matching.o optimized/
> lib/drawing/coarsening/clustering/node_ordering.o 
> optimized/lib/drawing/coarsening/clustering/size_constraint_label_propagation.o
> optimized/lib/drawing/unc
> oarsening/uncoarsening.o optimized/lib/drawing/graph_drawer.o 
> optimized/lib/drawing/uncoarsening/complete_boundary.o 
> optimized/lib/drawing/uncoarsening/loc
> al_optimizer.o optimized/lib/drawing/uncoarsening/partial_boundary.o 
> optimized/lib/burn_drawing/burn_drawing.o -Lextern/argtable-2.10/lib 
> -Loptimized/exter
> n/argtable-2.10/lib -Lextern/argtable-2.10/lib 
> -L/projects/6429970e-5a78-4aee-a6b1-af1e80542481/Kalp/extern/argtable-2.10/lib
> -L/usr/lib -L/projects/642997
> 0e-5a78-4aee-a6b1-af1e80542481/local/opt/cairo-1.12.16/src/.lib 
> -largtable2 -lgomp -lcairo
> scons: done building targets.
>    ./deploy/kadraw --burn_image_to_disk --export_type=pdf 
> --output_filename=my.pdf examples/delaunay_n16.graph
> ./deploy/kadraw: error while loading shared libraries: 
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
>    Running it with the dynamic library :
> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./extern/argtable-2.10/lib ; ./deploy/kadraw 
> --burn_image_to_disk --export_type=pdf --output_filename=my.pdf 
> examples/delaunay_n16.graph 
> ime: 0.0815709
> performing drawing!
> no of coarser vertices 33552 and no of edges 201114
> no of coarser vertices 17349 and no of edges 103916
> no of coarser vertices 9002 and no of edges 53880
> no of coarser vertices 4654 and no of edges 27836
> no of coarser vertices 2396 and no of edges 14320
> no of coarser vertices 1224 and no of edges 7302
> no of coarser vertices 629 and no of edges 3734
> no of coarser vertices 318 and no of edges 1868
> no of coarser vertices 162 and no of edges 940
> no of coarser vertices 83 and no of edges 468
> no of coarser vertices 40 and no of edges 212
> no of coarser vertices 21 and no of edges 104
> no of coarser vertices 11 and no of edges 46
> no of coarser vertices 5 and no of edges 16
> no of coarser vertices 3 and no of edges 6
> no of coarser vertices 2 and no of edges 2
> coarsening took 1.23219
> current setting to distance 180.423
> log>unrolling graph with 2
> log>unrolling graph with 3
> log>unrolling graph with 5
> log>unrolling graph with 11
> log>unrolling graph with 21
> log>unrolling graph with 40
> log>unrolling graph with 83
> log>unrolling graph with 162
> log>unrolling graph with 318
> log>unrolling graph with 629
> log>unrolling graph with 1224
> log>unrolling graph with 2396
> log>unrolling graph with 4654
> og>unrolling graph with 9002
> log>unrolling graph with 17349
> log>unrolling graph with 33552
> log>unrolling graph with 65536
> time spent 12.3516
> now performing sparse scaling
> sparse scaling factor is 0.101116
> now burning image to disk
> x max = 90.720695, x min = -76.535034, x delta = 167.255730, y max = 
> 86.407486, y min = -79.494469, y delta = 165.901955
> width = 167.255737, height = 165.901947
> width_px = 0, height_px = 0
> scale = 10.000000
> took 6.34424
>    and my.pdf is produced.
>    Viewing in : go to Kalp folder in SMC, then click on file 
>    picture is complex, and pdf file is slow to be displayed
>    easier :
> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./extern/argtable-2.10/lib ; ./deploy/kadraw 
> --burn_image_to_disk --export_type=pdf --output_filename=my.pdf ..
> /KaLPv1.0/examples/Grid8x8.graph
> io time: 0.000112971
> performing drawing!
> no of coarser vertices 32 and no of edges 122
> no of coarser vertices 17 and no of edges 62
> no of coarser vertices 17 and no of edges 62
> no of coarser vertices 15 and no of edges 54
> no of coarser vertices 8 and no of edges 26
> no of coarser vertices 7 and no of edges 22
> no of coarser vertices 5 and no of edges 14
> no of coarser vertices 3 and no of edges 6
> no of coarser vertices 2 and no of edges 2
> coarsening took 0.049571
> current setting to distance 5.63172
> log>unrolling graph with 2
> log>unrolling graph with 3
> log>unrolling graph with 5
> log>unrolling graph with 7
> log>unrolling graph with 8
> log>unrolling graph with 15
> log>unrolling graph with 17
> log>unrolling graph with 17
> log>unrolling graph with 32
> log>unrolling graph with 64
> time spent 14.1481
> now performing sparse scaling
> sparse scaling factor is 0.6682
> now burning image to disk
> x max = 3.590210, x min = -4.921014, x delta = 8.511224, y max = 7.319150, 
> y min = -1.087551, y delta = 8.406701
> width = 8.511225, height = 8.406701
> width_px = 0, height_px = 0
> scale = 10.000000
> took 0.00383506
> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./extern/argtable-2.10/lib ; ./deploy/kadraw 
> --burn_coordinates_to_disk --burn_image_to_disk --export_type=png 
> --output_filename=my.png ../KaLPv1.0/examples/Grid8x8.graph
> io time: 0.000136993
> performing drawing!
> no of coarser vertices 32 and no of edges 122
> no of coarser vertices 17 and no of edges 62
> no of coarser vertices 17 and no of edges 62
> no of coarser vertices 15 and no of edges 54
> no of coarser vertices 8 and no of edges 26
> no of coarser vertices 7 and no of edges 22
> no of coarser vertices 5 and no of edges 14
> no of coarser vertices 3 and no of edges 6
> no of coarser vertices 2 and no of edges 2
> coarsening took 0.027781
> current setting to distance 5.63172
> log>unrolling graph with 2
> log>unrolling graph with 3
> log>unrolling graph with 5
> log>unrolling graph with 7
> log>unrolling graph with 8
> log>unrolling graph with 15
> log>unrolling graph with 17
> log>unrolling graph with 17
> log>unrolling graph with 32
> log>unrolling graph with 64
> time spent 16.3323
> now performing sparse scaling
> sparse scaling factor is 0.6682
> now burning image to disk
> x max = 3.590211, x min = -4.921015, x delta = 8.511227, y max = 7.319150, 
> y min = -1.087552, y delta = 8.406703
> width = 8.511227, height = 8.406702
> width_px = 1200, height_px = 1185
> scale = 140.990253
> creating a png
> writing PNG to my.png
> took 0.160851
> now strong computing scaling factor and scaling
> scaling factor is 1.18257
>    file my.png has been produced 
>    and   image.coord  (coordinates) too
>     Using draw_from_coordinates :
> ./deploy/draw_from_coordinates ../KaLPv1.0/examples/Grid8x8.graph 
> --export_type=png --output_filename=graph8x8.png --coordfilename=image.coord
> io time: 0.000410047
> now computing sparse scaling factor and scaling
> scaling factor is 0.845619
> now burning image to disk
> x max = 3.590210, x min = -4.921011, x delta = 8.511222, y max = 7.319153, 
> y min = -1.087551, y delta = 8.406704
> width = 8.511222, height = 8.406704
> width_px = 1200, height_px = 1185
> scale = 140.990332
> creating a png
> writing PNG to graph8x8.png
> took 0.17569
>    images.coord looks like file with containing all cartesian coordinates 
> of vertices

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