Hi Erik,

Here's a issue to track the packages in conda-forge, https://github.co

Conda-forge is a community effort to distribute conda packages. What's
better than Continuum's own conda packages is that these packages are much
more up-to-date and the maintainers of scientific python stack are
maintaining the conda recipe itself. Also you have control of how and when
the packages get built.

Conda-forge uses CircleCI, Travis-CI and Appveyor to build packages for
Linux, OSX and Windows. You have to submit a PR to
https://github.com/conda-forge/staged-recipes and these CI will try to
build the packges for you. Here's a PR that adds arb,
<https://github.com/conda-forge/staged-recipes/pull/1758>*. After the PR
has been merged, it will be moved to a git repo like
https://github.com/conda-forge/arb-feedstock. You become a maintainer and
you can invite others to maintain the recipe as well. Maintainers will be
given access to these git repos (called feedstocks).

Conda-forge has an active gitter channel at
https://gitter.im/conda-forge/conda-forge.github.io. Let me know if you
need any more info.

Isuru Fernando

On Mon, Feb 6, 2017 at 3:17 PM, Erik Bray <erik.m.b...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sun, Feb 5, 2017 at 1:26 PM, Isuru Fernando <isu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I've packaged sage 7.5.1 for conda for linux and have uploaded it to
> > anaconda.org.
> >
> > To try it out you can do on linux with miniconda3, (Downloads about 1 GB)
> >
> >     conda create -n sage sage sage-spkg-sources -c isuruf -c conda-forge
> >
> > This was a hacky build and I don't expect everything to work properly.
> sage
> > command, sage notebook, gap, maxima and a few packages I've checked
> works.
> >
> > There were 86 standard packages in conda-forge and default channel.
> > (conda-forge is a community effort, see https://conda-forge.github.io/).
> > These conda packages were used instead of sage's packages
> >
> > 74 standard packages were built in the docker container
> > condaforge/linux-anvil with SAGE_FAT_BINARY=yes, which should make the
> > packages compatible with distros as old as CentOS 6. I used sage's build
> > process to create these, kept track of which files were created and
> copied
> > them over to a conda package.
> >
> > Things to note are,
> > 1. anaconda.org r channel is incompatible with conda-forge. So rpy2 and
> r is
> > not bundled, but conda-forge has started packaging the r packages.
> > 2. only the SAGE_LOCAL folder is packaged. So no development.
> > 3. sage-env is sourced when the env is activated, but the deactivation
> > doesn't seem to work properly. Your shell session may become unusable.
> > 4. pinning needs to happen so that ABI compatibility is there.
> > 5. Packages are built with gmp.
> > 6. miniconda2 has issues with path names having non-ASCII characters, so
> you
> > have to use miniconda3 as your root environment.
> >
> > Anybody interested in making proper conda packages for the remaining 74
> > packages and sage itself?
> Thanks a lot for this!  Some of us have talked a lot about trying to
> make conda packages for Sage and its dependencies.  It's definitely an
> idea I support, at least in principle.  Just nobody until now (that I
> know of) has taken the time to sit down and actually try to do it.
> Part of the problem is that not many of us are that familiar with
> conda.  I'm mostly familiar with it by using it, but it's been years
> since I've made a package for it (last time I did the project was
> still in its infancy and I had to ask directly for their build tools).
> I would definitely be interested in helping with this.
> --
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