#20914 is a long-overdue GAP upgrade (to 4.8.6), and the problem that holds 
it up has to do with TestSuite called on infinite WeylGroup.
Specifically, on Sage 7.5 (and I presume on the current beta)  the 
following works:

sage: W = WeylGroup(["A",3,1])
sage: sage: W._test_enumerated_set_contains()

but with the branch of #20914 it never finishes (I guess it runs our of 
RAM, although slowly).
More details here: https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/20914#comment:25 and in 
the later comments.

I don't know this implementation, but I guess it has nothing to do with 
GAP, and it is meant to enumerate elements by 
increasing length. 



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