Python has a __dealloc__ method, which is called when the object is garbage
collected. You can find examples by search_src.

On Jan 9, 2017 09:52, "John Cremona" <> wrote:

> In a reply to question 36225 at
> (my reply was deleted by the system so you cannot read it) I offered
> to try to help by asking here how to do somthign I don't know how to
> do.
> When you do
> sage: E = EllipticCurve('11a1')
> sage: M = E.modular_symbol()
> an instance of class ModularSymbolECLIB is created (as defined in
> sage.schemes.elliptic_curves.ell_modular_symbols) which in turn
> creates an instance of ECModularSymbol (as defined in sage/libs/eclib)
> which in turn creates an ainstance of a C++ class in eclib which is a
> C++ library.  Currently there is no way the memory that uses up can be
> released.  I know that C++ classes have destructors which get called
> when the objects go out of scope; presumably there is something
> similar in python / cython?  What would we need to do to get the
> destructor called?
> Currently a loop such as
> DB = CremonaDatabase()
> for N in range(1,10000):
>         Cs = DB.isogeny_classes(N)
>         for C in Cs:
>                 E=EllipticCurve(C[0][0])
>                 phi=E.modular_symbol()
> uses up more and more memory even though after each run through the
> innermost loop there is no data left in scope.
> John
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