On Dec 10, 2016 11:58, "Nicolas M. Thiery" <nicolas.thi...@u-psud.fr> wrote:

On Thu, Dec 08, 2016 at 11:49:03AM +0100, Erik Bray wrote:
> > Some simple examples use the old turtle graphics
> > but « from turtle import * » is not accepted !
> Aha.  Yes, it looks like by default Cygwin's Python does not come with
> the Tkinter module, and hence no turtle module either.  This would be
> worth adding, but it looks like it will be somewhat involved, as it
> also requires an X server.  Certainly doable, entirely within Cywin,
> but will take some additional setup.  I'll look into it.

It would actually be nice (and plausibly sufficient for our purposes)
if the turtle module would work in the Jupyter notebook. Typically
through an ipywidget backend.

Ah yeah, I should have thought of that. I tried to implement a turtle
graphics for IPython Notebook years ago, but it was before the widget
interface was implemented and it proved too tricky without modifying the
notebook source itself.

I've since heard that it's been done though I haven't tried it yet.

That said it still might be good to support Tkinter.

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