Consider the following code:

0 = 42
print 0

If you write it into sage's ipython, it of course gives you an error. More 
precisely, you get 
ValueError: The name "0" is not a valid Python identifier.

But suppose you write it into a file bug.sage, and execute it using sage 
bug.sage, you get 42! The explanation is actually pretty simple: when you 
execute sage bug.sage, bug.sage is preparsed to which is the 

# This file was *autogenerated* from the file bug.sage
from sage.all_cmdline import *   # import sage library

_sage_const_42 = Integer(42); _sage_const_0 = Integer(0)
_sage_const_0  = _sage_const_42 
print _sage_const_0 

Since 0 is replaced by _sage_const_0, you can affect any value to it. 

Is this a known bug? Is there a way in Python to declare that _sage_const_i 
is immutable?

I wanted to open a ticket, but as noticed by Dima, trac seems to be down...


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