
without exploring deeply, it looks like an unlucky collision with the
shift by the particular QQbar_hash_offset=1/987654321*I+1/123456789 (which
aims to avoid collisions for more usual algebraic numbers like 1 or 2).

sage: from sage.rings.qqbar import QQbar_hash_offset
sage: QQbar_hash_offset += 1/987654321*QQbar(i)
sage: %time (rho+QQbar_hash_offset).complex_exact(CIF)
<very short>
0.02879966172165114? - 0.00795292895973858?*I

sage: from sage.rings.qqbar import QQbar_hash_offset
sage: %time (rho+QQbar_hash_offset).complex_exact(CIF)
<very long>
0.02879966172165114? - 0.00795292997223858?*I

Could you reproduce your issue with sufficiently enough other polynomials
or is it just that one ?


On Tue, Oct 04, 2016 at 07:57:37PM +0800, Clemens Heuberger wrote:
> Hashing of QQbar elements seems to be quite inefficient:
> sage: R.<x> = AA[]
> sage: rho = QQbar.polynomial_root(
> ....:     x^5 - 1/3*x^4 + 1/30*x^3 - 1/600*x^2 + 1/24000*x - 1/2400000,
> ....:     CIF(RIF(0.02, 0.03), RIF(-0.009, -0.007)))
> sage: %time hash(rho)
> CPU times: user 14 s, sys: 36 ms, total: 14.1 s
> Wall time: 14 s
> -382033038487191199
> sage: %time hash(rho)
> CPU times: user 9.18 s, sys: 32 ms, total: 9.21 s
> Wall time: 9.12 s
> -382033038487191199
> It seems that the hashing code at some stage exactifies the rho.imag() (which 
> is
> an algebraic number of degree 20).
> In qqbar.py, we have the comment
>         # All of this effort to avoid exact computation is probably wasted,
>         # anyway... in almost all uses of hash codes, if the hash codes
>         # match, the next step is to compare for equality; and comparing
>         # for equality often requires exact computation. (If a==b,
> However, IMHO, the unfortunate thing is that rho.real() and rho.imag() are
> exactified instead of rho itself (so involving higher degree numbers) and that
> these results are then lost.
> Any thoughts?
> Regards,
> Clemens
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